ADA TUNCER / TEMPLE The Empire Project, Defterdar
14 Oct - 12 Nov 2016

"Temple", the first solo show by Ada Tuncer, is comprised of Digital line drawings and ceramic works created over the course of the summer of 2016. Her works are in the vein of Klee and his contemporaries, in a quest for a modernist approach to the line and to embrace the opportunities/challenges afforded by digital production. Temple, can be seen as an effort for Ada, to penetrate her own infant years with the outcome of her effort under her own spiritual space.


Ada expresses herself whit the following lines: "For the potential of the lines that comes out unconsciously, I have an acute awareness. While I took the primitive in an expressive fashion, I tend to follow the techniques of Modernists. My aim is to break free from the representation of the collective and civil subconscious and by doing that obtain a freer plastic idiom".
