20 Mar - 25 Apr 2015

Banu Birecikligil's exhibition Kassandra's Eyes meets art lovers at its new address at The Empire Project's Defterdar Yokuşu number 35 

In her exhibition, the artist interprets the problematic of being a woman from a different perspective, based on mythology. Figures trying to shelter in the dark and hopeless atmosphere reveal concerns about the past, future and present of being a woman in society.

Kassandra, who gave her name to the exhibition, is granted the ability to see the future by Apollo. But Kassandra, who could not meet Apollo's expectation of attention, was cursed by Apollo. Even if Kassandra can see the future, no one will believe what she says from now on. There is no one left who believes in Kassandra based on her predictions, the predictions are no longer reliable. Faced with this situation, Kassandra is now hysterical and crazy.

Since history as we know, women who have been forced to gain their basic rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of life have been called emotional and hysterical, turned into clinical cases, pushed out of society and ignored. As individuals and as a society, we have had to exclude our feminine side, in our culture built around rigid logic, we have lost our intuition, what we can perceive outside of our 5 senses, our connection with nature, our wisdom, our masculine side has hardened, and we have accepted an unhealthy society as the norm.