09 Mar - 13 Apr 2021

"What does a world liberated from the domination of the eye mean, how does it manifest? Trying to answer this question brings about a search for alternatives to a human-centered existence that determines the eye as the primary sensory organ. For a long time, humans have been using their eyes to know both themselves and the world. Searching for the truth through eyes, this When the obsession of seeing the world clearly and distinctly for this purpose is combined with the instinct to prevent dangers to human life, it easily evolves into a relentless but futile effort to tear apart the complex network of relationships in the fabric of existence and establish definitive boundaries that prevent transitivity. The only concrete result of this futile effort is to hide oneself behind walls. imprisoning people and considering the rest of the world as enemies." ...

"By placing the objects in the shadows in his photographs and avoiding creating clear images of the objects, Ergün not only liberates them, but also makes possible different ways of establishing relationships with the world for the people who look at them. For someone who is used to feeling safe only under the lights, when everything is clearly obvious, these paths are dark It may sound uncanny, but Ergün's world is not a dystopia where death reigns. The fear of shadows where black and white are intertwined is valid only for those hiding behind the walls. "Stage: Repair" both gives objects in the shadows the chance to hybridize and violate the distinction between artificial and natural. "It also offers the 'subjects' who look at them, who are tired of hiding and loneliness, and who intend to step into the shadows to participate in life, a chance to be one with the world."
