LALE TARA / LIVE The Empire Project
01 Dec - 28 Dec 2006

Since the beginning of her career, Lale Tara has been caught by the charm of an inanimate, static object. In 2005, she started to investigate their emotional power and sense of ambiguity; through the staged photography of objects like window display mannequins and toy dolls resembling new born babies, she innovated ways to animate them. In context to Tara's works, 'to animate' does not mean 'to make move', it rather means 'to give soul to', from the Latin word 'anima'. This powerful transformation stems from the profoundly emotional thoughts and experiences woven onto them. Since then the principle of animism, of an object infused with the meaning beyond its material self, became the principle of metaphor in Tara's staged narratives.

A more radical gesture came in 2008, when she staged a life-size doll as her own Doppelgänger...

Dr. Vaishali Sharma