LORIS SAVINO / BETWEENLANDS Poligon The Shooting Gallery
02 Nov - 01 Dec 2012


Poligon "The Shooting Gallery"presents

Italian artist Loris Savino's new project "Betweenlands".

The exhibition can be seen from 2 November till 1 December 2012.

Loris Savino has worked as a professional photographer since 2002. His work was focused for several years on the Middle East, more specifically on the events that occured in countries that have been torn by ethnic and religious conflicts. "The Betweenlands Project" was shot on location during the turbulant Arab Spring, and documents a period between January 2011 and the present. The series is comprised of both videos and photographs.

In order to clarify the context of the individual actors and the roles they played, he looked beyond the most resounding facts to focus on the collateral. It must also be considered that the guiding thread of this project is the Mediterranean, where the water laps the shores of the countries involved in events of the last year.

The riots which took place in North Africa in 2011 have undoubtedly created a new awareness; however, they have also started a process of change where the results are not always predictable. Similarly, the South-European crisis leads to the the formation of a collective consciousness, where cultural and religious differences are erased. "Betweenlands" is a journey through the recent and present history of these regions and of this sea.

To date, the project has been to Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Palestine, Israel and Turkey. It will continue to travel to Spain, France, Syria, Lebanon, and Gibraltar.
