MERVE TUNA / THE CASE OF O Küçük Mustafa Paşa Hamamı
10 Feb - 12 Mar 2022

Merve Tuna's exhibition The Case of O: Scenes, Formulations, Derivations, is equally about bodies, objects, and stories.Walking through the various rooms of the exhibition, namely the genital, phallic, anal and oral rooms, you are surrounded by objects that are extensions, insertions, additions, stories of and references to the human body. You see bodies everywhere, very few in the form of human bodies. 

As Merve tries out some limits (of her own and of all bodies wandering in the rooms and cavities of the hammam), she challenges and messes with the ideas of where shame comes from as much as how shame can be transformed. And in doing so, lays out a foundation for thinking pleasure, outside of a body and as an emancipatory practice. 

