BASHI-BAZOUK VOL. 5 The Empire Project, Kadıköy
29 Apr - 27 May 2023

The Empire Project is proud to announce its new exhibition collaboration with its new experimental space "Polygon Shooting Gallery" in Kadıköy between 29 April and 27 May. Within the scope of this collaboration, the 5th Bashibazouk (trans. Başıbozuk) group exhibition is a group show that showcases the new works of the founding artists and also highlights new talented names.

Among the prominent artists in the fifth series will be Banu Birecikligil, Can Pekdemir, Dilek Yaman, Memo Tembelçizer, Merve Tuna, Mine Anafarta and Özlem Ünlü.

Bashibazouk consists of irregular, volunteer soldiers in the Ottoman Army. Bashibazouks, who intimidated the enemy and performed scout/lookout duties, were eliminated by the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century due to their independent attitude. Bashibazouk, which became a swear word in the words of the characters of the Belgian cartoonist Hergé in the 20th century, is a reference to the human condition in the current cultural scene and to the connotations of the word Bashibazouk due to the nature of the artists' works that explore, challenge, sometimes frighten and take risks.

Artists who took part in previous Bashibazouk exhibitions: Filliposs Tsitsapoulos, Ali Taptık, C.M. Kösemen, Yuşa Yalçıntaş, Deniz Üster, Mehmet Güleryüz, Nathalie Mamboury, SENA, Emin Altan, Can Pekdemir, Lale Tara, Çınar Eslek.

Bashibazouk Chapter. Artists who will take part in 5: Banu Birecikligil, Can Pekdemir, Dilek Yaman, Memo Tembelçizer, Merve Tuna, Mine Anafarta and Özlem Ünlü.